
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Be the best fan you can be!

   Do you realise that book you just read in two days, could've taken the author upwards of a year to write, than edit, rewrite, edit and publish! (And, I may be being a bit modest with only two rounds of editing)
   They devote, not only their time to their work but also their inner most thoughts and emotions. They leave a small piece of themselves on every page.

   Now we live in the day and age when shouting off the roof tops your love of something, has become obsolete. We have the interwebz! Now even if you really didnt enjoy a book, you should make your opinions heard. After all the work put into the book, the author deserves that much at least!

   Over the past couple years I've connected with multiple authors online. Mostly with Facebook, and goodreads. And you know what? They're just like you and me. Trying to make it in this world doing what they love. Gotta respect that, eh! So, I've put together a list of things you can do to be the best fan you can be and maybe make their travels a little easier.

1. Facebook:
I can't say enough times that Facebook is absolutely the best platform for promotion.

-So, go ahead and like your favorite authors page. Or the page or group dedicated to their book or series. But be realistic, if the author participates in the group be Respectful. Youre not entitled to anything from them just because your in a Facebook group together. They will dole out anything they feel they should. It is their decision and does not make them any less of a good person/author if they don't.

-Share their cover reveals, and Teasers on your newsfeed. And, with your book loving friends!

-Enter their giveaways: recruiting new fans from your friends base will always be easier with a chance to win something free :).

-And the easier of all? Simply like their posts when your scrolling through your newsfeed.

2. Goodreads:
 They absolute best book community on the world wide Web. Once you've created an account you can do the following:

- Follow your favorite Authors. You will see what they're reading, promoting, questions they've been asked and the answers given.

-Find books or series you like and add them to your 'read' or 'to-be-read' lists. All your friends on Goodreads will see it!

-If you've read the book, the most important thing to do is rate and review it! Authors attain a lot of their revenue because of word of mouth. Your friends and family are more likely to purchase a book if someone they trust has posted an honest review. Not to mention authors can win awards and recognition at the end of the year for it.

-Now even if you didn't like the story, be Respectful. Story is maybe only 2-3/5 stars, remember what else is important while reviewing. Was the book well written? Is the cover art attractive? Did they do a good job in editing? Were the characters well thought out?... Your opinion is important, but remember peoples opinions are different. So what is most important is to be honest regardless how much you enjoyed the book.

-There are groups and discussion boards galore you can join and share your favorites in! Giveaways you can enter for your old favorites, or books you've add to your to be read list, and even giveaways for books you've never heard of. Who know what you may stumble on.

3. Amazon: .CA or .COM or whatever extension you have :).

-Like goodreads the most important thing you can do is rate & review. It may even be more important to post here, than goodreads since a purchase button is available, and just begging to be clicked. And once again, constructive criticism only. I know your momma told you just like mine did, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If your criticism cannot help an author grow, then it's not criticism, ita bashing. It's an easy line not to cross, just be polite.
And if you loved the book? No amount of gushing and praise is ever enough, so FanGirl / FanBoy alllll you want.

- Add books you want to your wish list, mines public so not only do people know what I want but they're introduced to those authors I enjoy.

-Connect your good reads to your Amazon! It's a new feature but overlapping your emailreading community with your shopping community can do nothing but good for promoting your favorites.

4. Blogging:
 Whether you use Blogger, WordPress, or a Blog service you pay for, whether or not you have a lot of followers or not, putting your opinion out there into the universe is Beneficial.

-If you get excited about a book, jot it down. Write what your hopes are for it, predictions, or just what caught your eye. Even if you don't end up reviewing it or finishing it, you've done that author a favor.

- If you did Buy/Read, then posting a further in-depth review is always nice.

-Since your blog is yours and there are no real restrictions, you can do any sort of promotion you wants! I blog with two other fabulous lovlies and we do cover reveals, interviews, giveaway announcements, teasers, and anything else we can think of for no other reason than we love literature.

5. Word Of Mouth:

The MOST important thing you can do for your favorite Authors, is tell people about them.  Doesn't matter how you do it! In person, over social media, in book groups, wherever you can. And, if in the process you get to talk to them, interact with them, or receive loyal reader perks, enjoy it. Respect it. But most of all, deserve it.

And with that, I leave you with this:

If you're a dreamer, come in.
If you're a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A Hope-er, A Pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If your a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
Come in!
Brittaini Over & Out!

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